Thursday, August 15, 2013

One Year Already?!?!

Think back to a year ago… do you remember where you were and what you were doing?  Do you remember what you were thinking or maybe worrying about?  Most times I have enough trouble remembering what I was doing yesterday, let alone a year ago, but last year at this time things were different… I had just moved to the states and I was scared stiff.  Granted, I was excited about the opportunities that were ahead of me, but I was still terrified!!!!!! 

But that was a whole year ago already, and looking back I realize how much life has changed for me and how this has become my new “normal”.  So, being the list person that I am, I’ll list a few things out for you!!  J 

Life in General:
                Last Year-  Life was a crazy mix of trying to figure out where I was, who I was, and what in the world I was doing in the USA.  Where would I go to church?  What would I do with my free time?  How was I going to survive school?  Was I CRAZY?!?!?!
                This Year-  I think in general, life has settled down a little!  I found a church and I have found babysitting jobs and other activities to keep my free time full.  I have finished one year of school on campus and another one will start in just a few days!  I still might be crazy, but this time I think it’s a good kind of crazy!  J 

                Last Year-  WORK?!?!  I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on right now, let alone find a job!
                This Year-  I have an awesome job at Chick-Fil-A that I really do love!  I have a good relationship with those that I work with and I am in the process of becoming a team leader and opener.  While this job isn’t in the nursing field, there are still so many skills that I can use in the rest of my life and experiences that are preparing me for the future.

                Last Year-  Don’t go over the speed limit.  Don’t pass busses.  Don’t go over the speed limit.  Don’t pass busses.  Don’t go over the speed limit.  Don’t pass busses.
                This Year-  Let’s just say that I’ve loosened up a little…  ;) 

                Last Year-  Who do I know anymore?  Do people still remember me?  Where in the world am I going to build new friendships?
                This Year-  I am blessed, what else can I say?  I have so many friends and family surrounding me and supporting me that I know I always have someone to go to and others to lean on.  I have built friendships through work, through church, and overall through life in general.


                Last Year-  What am I doing here?  I just want to go home (Guate)!!  How is this life ever going to feel normal?
                This Year-  I have two homes.  Period.  I have a home in Guatemala with my family, my friends and life there.  At the same time, I have had to make this home for now, and even though Guate will always be home for me, it’s not a bad thing to have two homes! 

How is it that a single year can feel like it goes by slowly, and yet flies by at the same time?  I definitely feel like that’s how this past year has been for me!  Granted, the year hasn’t been all fun and games, but it has been a growing experience!  USA has become my necessary home for now, and Guate will always be home for me.  I miss my family more than words can say, but I also have a “family” here in the states that are a huge support.  I am one extremely blessed girl, and I’m excited to see what all this next year will bring!!  

So glad my mom was able to be here for a week!!!!


  1. I'd say you are learning to know yourself well. I am so proud of you Maredith. You had an extremely challenging year mentally, emotionally and physically too. You came through with a great attitude and beautiful smile. Some of your comments made me giggle, a few made me tear up. We are extremely blessed also, to have you in our lives. May this coming school year be filled with the joy of the Lord, hard work, accomplishment, good friends, and memories made. You are loved.


  2. Wise beyond your years, Maredith! I wish I had known these things and been brave enough to branch out earlier on in my life. You are such a blessing! Thanks for always holding Moriah :)


  3. Your post made me think about where I was a year ago. We just said yes on our offer to sell our house. I thought we were crazy because we had no place to go. All we could do was rely on God. Three homes later while pregnant we were able to find the house we live in now. I am so blessed to have to rely on God and how he blessed us so richly. Two and a half weeks after moving in our new home. Hannah Jo Shelly was born. What a blessing. Now she has changed our life and is crawling, moving to sitting position from her belly, pulling up on things, and cruising a little. It is amazing what a difference a year can make. We also met you which has been a joy to get to know you. Thank you for your post.

    -Kelly Jo

  4. We're proud of you, Maredith, and see this year as an answer to our prayers for you, you relying on God and responding. Keep going and growing! Love you, Grandma.
