Thursday, October 6, 2011


For those of you that don’t know her, I would like to introduce you to my younger sister, Abby.  Today is Abby’s birthday, so I thought I’d write a special post dedicated to her, just because I’m an awesome big sister like that!!  ;) 

This is Abby.  She is now 17 and, in my opinion, an amazing girl.  If you have met her on a work team, you probably saw her like this… 

Or like this…

Or like this.

If you were to get to know Abby well, you would see her like this…

Or this…

Or this…

Abby is the kind of person that would give the clothing off her back if she could and she has an amazing heart for those that are hurting.  If it breaks God’s heart, it most likely breaks hers too.  She is extremely patient and will do just about anything (to an extent…) for those she loves.  She is a loyal and protective sister, daughter and friend with a good sense of humor.  I mean really, she lives with me; she’s got to be pretty loyal!!  ;) 

So that’s a little bit about Abby for you.  If you haven’t gotten to meet her, I suggest you do.  J

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ABBY!!!!  You are loved by many (me included!!!) and never forget it!!!  

1 comment:

  1. She is an awesome friend.. Special heart... Love you guys!!! ABBY Happy birthday..
